Transform Your Workshop Leadership Skills with The ECD Masterclass Course

ecd online masterclass Sep 11, 2023

When it comes to fostering emotional culture and understanding the complexities of human behaviour in a workplace setting, few courses match the depth and utility of The Emotional Culture Deck Masterclass Course. But don't just take our word for it; listen to the glowing testimonial of a recent graduate:

"The Emotional Culture Deck Online Masterclass Course exceeded my expectations. It provided a comprehensive education in emotional culture, equipping me with practical tools and transformative insights. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in enhancing their understanding of emotions and their impact on personal and professional life."

Gain Comprehensive Knowledge

One of the standout features of our course, as mentioned by our esteemed graduate, is the comprehensive understanding of emotional culture it offers.

"The course provided me with a comprehensive understanding of emotional culture."

Our Masterclass curriculum is designed to give you a full...

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Celebrating Steven Hargreaves: Europe's First Master Elephant Rider

master elephant rider Sep 11, 2023

It's with immense pride and joy that we announce a remarkable milestone in the Elephant Rider Community. Steven Hargreaves has officially achieved the prestigious title of Master Elephant Rider, a feat accomplished by only two others in the entire world!

Steven's remarkable achievement makes him the first Elephant Rider in Europe to have attained this elite status.

A Journey of Mastery and Dedication

Steve's journey toward ECD mastery began in June 2019 when he completed the ECD Masterclass in London. This turned out to be just the starting point for an extraordinary journey of expertise and leadership within the Elephant Riding Community.

Since completing the Masterclass, Steve has been nothing short of exceptional. He's facilitated an impressive 65 ECD Team Workshops, conducted dozens of ECD 1:1s, and hosted over 5 ECD Meetups. His contributions go far beyond numbers; his impact is felt in the transformations he has enabled in teams and individuals across the UK.

Moments That...

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Unlocking Emotional Culture: How Senior Teachers Used The Emotional Culture Deck at the National Kindergartens Association Hui

The recent Hui for Senior Teachers from the National Kindergartens Association was a phenomenal success, thanks to the incorporation of The Emotional Culture Deck. This unique tool proved to be a game-changer for 50 passionate educators looking to advance both personally and professionally.

The workshop began with a "self-branding" exercise, allowing each participant to identify key traits they wanted to be recognised for, as well as traits they wished to avoid. Following that, The ECD Deck served as a reflection tool for the teachers, helping them evaluate their emotional state over the past week and set intentions for the upcoming week.

Perhaps one of the most powerful applications was its use as a strategy to manage challenging relationships. Teachers were encouraged to identify the feelings triggered when interacting with someone they find difficult and to come up with an actionable plan to re-approach that person without bias.

The ECD also aided in facilitating...

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The Inner Journey: Lessons Learned from Self-Mastery with The ECD by Cathy Sheppard

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2023

Life's journey is full of twists and turns, pushing us to reevaluate ourselves and our strategies. The recent challenge I undertook, which involved completing five handbooks using the Emotional Culture Deck (ECD), led me to some eye-opening insights. In this blog, I want to share the top three lessons I gained from this experience and discuss how they can make a positive impact on both personal and professional life.

The five handbooks I had to complete were: the ECD Know Yourself Handbook, ECD Leadership Handbook, ECD Know Yourself in Change Handbook, ECD Values Canvas, and the ECD Partnership Handbook. Talk about powerful! These together cover so many useful aspects of life and successful business.

1. Building Strong Partnerships: The Partnership Handbook

As a business owner, partnerships can be a game-changer. But let's be real—partnerships aren't all rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes they end up messy or disappointing. The Partnership Handbook, fueled by the ECD, offers...

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Join our ECD Masterclass now – Last chance for 2023

ecd online masterclass Aug 22, 2023

The ECD Masterclass gives you the complete, easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach to crafting emotional cultures within any team and organisation.

Click here to sign up now >

Whether you’re starting from scratch or want to grow your ECD knowledge, this is the exact certification that will help enhance your reputation and make a powerful difference for the people you serve. 

The very real rewards of belonging

Over 1200 people have completed the ECD Online Masterclass Course to date. Most of those people are active community members – meaning you have access to an extraordinary pool of working knowledge.

Level up your feelings of success.

When you join The ECD Online Masterclass, you will not only embark on a professional learning journey.

You'll begin to understand what drives you personally in ways that are truly revealing.

And as your understanding of The ECD expands, your ability to recognise and funnel emotions will transform how you assess your own...

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The next step to Mastery: Stories from Our Newest ECD Certified Consultants

Congratulations to our eight newest ECD Certified Consultants! Celine Sugay-Costales, Andrea Hancox, Roz Duffy, Danny Kwan, Danielle Swain, Vanessa Murphy, Jenni Sandford-Nedoszytko and Mattison Grey.

Each of you has demonstrated tremendous dedication, resilience, and passion over these past nine months, finally achieving the coveted Pro Elephant Rider Badge. We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you to this elite group of professionals.

Our ECD Certified Course is an intense, immersive, and transformative journey. It demands commitment and calls upon the courage to venture into new areas of knowledge and personal growth. These eight individuals have now equipped themselves with valuable skills and a profound understanding of The ECD, ready to help create more emotionally aware cultures, teams and leaders.

Reflecting on their journey, these are some inspiring words shared by our newest Pro Elephant Riders:

  • "Nine months of hard work. There were ups and...

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New Partnerships Flourish with The Emotional Culture Deck: Here's Why

emotional culture deck Jul 31, 2023

The Emotional Culture Deck can be a very useful tool when forming new partnerships, whether those are between individuals, teams, departments, or different organisations.

Here are a few ways The ECD can be beneficial in these contexts:

  1. Building Empathy and Understanding: The ECD helps partners understand each other's emotional needs and expectations from the outset. By making space for emotions and feelings in conversations, it encourages empathy, which is essential for building strong, productive partnerships.

  2. Facilitating Open Communication: The ECD provides a structured way to communicate about topics that are often overlooked or uncomfortable, such as emotions and how they impact work. This can help to establish open lines of communication between partners, making it easier to address potential challenges or misunderstandings before they become issues.

  3. Exploring Shared Values and Expectations: By identifying the emotions that each partner wants to feel and avoid, The...

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Jeremy Dean | How emotional culture drives transformational change

Reposted from Gagen MacDonald >

In this episode of Let Go & Lead, Jeremy Dean, Founder and Master Gamemaker at riders&elephants, talks with Maril about the elephant in the room of corporate culture: emotion.

Emotion is core to belief, which is core to motivating people. Yet often, when undertaking a culture change or business transformation, leaders will start by thinking about the values and behaviors they desire; not how they want people to feel. Why is this? Because emotions are hard to talk about. Jeremy’s organization has found success making it easier through an unusual method: “gamifying” the conversation through a card game for organizations.

About Let Go & Lead

Let Go & Lead is a leadership community created by Maril MacDonald, founder and CEO of Gagen MacDonald. Maril brings together provocateurs, pioneers, thought leaders and those leading the conversation around culture, transformation and change.

Over the course of the...

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The Emotional Ripple Effect by Kate Bacchus

Article reposted from Karte Bacchus Linkedin >>

I'm on a journey to become a Certified ECD Consultant, and part of that journey has been in the power of sharing the Emotional Culture Deck cards with leaders and unlocking the impact of crafting workplace cultures factoring emotions.

Over the last month, I've chatted with leaders in the NFP sector, the volunteering community, business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders of teams in corporate environments.

All these leaders are experts in their own fields and have similar and yet different needs for themselves and for their teams or stakeholders that they're working with.

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Playing with the ECD cards unlocked powerful conversations of self-awareness and reflection, and passion for how they want their people to feel, connect, and be motivated.

For me, I think about workplace culture as 'what we do and how we treat each other each day at work'. It's a combination of Emotions + Beliefs + Actions = Culture.

This means...

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Leadership Revolution: The ECD Qualified Leaders Workshops Uncovered

Introducing the first ever ECD Qualified Leaders in the world  

We're proud to share a bright spot with you all. Last week, we delivered the first-ever ECD Foundations Workshop to a group of in-house leaders of a local Government Agency in New Zealand.

This culminated over 18 months of design, prototyping and testing with the fantastic assistance of Elephant Riders, Lotty Roberts, Steven Hargreaves and Lorissa Garcia. 

There have been so many twists, turns, surprises, setbacks, uncomfortable moments, highs, aha moments and a giant pivot along this journey.

From September, our global community of ECD Certified Consultants will deliver these ECD workshops in over 20 countries.

What exactly are these new ECD Qualified Leaders Workshops?

These highly interactive and hands-on workshops qualify your leaders to apply The ECD to create more emotionally aware leaders and teams.

Tailored for training in-house organisations and business leaders, an ECD Certified Consultant...

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