Shaping emotional customer experience

Customers now have dozens if not hundreds of touchpoints with the key brands in their lives. Shaping better customer experience by mapping and improving those touchpoints has become an obsession. But if journey mapping isn’t driven by empathy and emotion, rather than process, it can be an expensive investment with limited return.  

Satisfaction, effectiveness, and ease are the classic vectors of customer journey mapping. This makes sense - what customer shopping for clothes or trying to get a bank account set up wants more difficulty? - but there’s a problem: companies worldwide are getting much better at the basic elements of customer experience. High call resolution rates and removing obstacles to sale has become the floor, not the ceiling.  

This is especially obvious if you look at China. Key sectors like fintech and retail are deeply evolved and brutally competitive, constantly pushing forward on every front. The mechanics are...

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#thecxdeckchallenge ā€“Ā Unlock The CX Deck Toolkit for free

We've designed The CX Deck Toolkit which has a bunch of bonus PDF resources and a workshop plan that complement The CX Deck.

To unlock The CX Deck Toolkit and get access to the resources we've designed, all you need to do is complete #thecxdeckchallenge. 

Your challenge is to play the game and define what you want your customers to feel and not feel and then share what you uncover on LinkedIn.

Click here to download #thecxdeckchallenge canvas and instructions.

The image above is an example of what you need to share on LinkedIn to unlock The CX Deck Toolkit


The CX Deck Toolkit currently comprises of five resources that'll give you further inspiration for using The Customer Experience Deck:

  1. CX Deck 'Moments that Matter' Canvas
  2. CX Deck Persona Canvas
  3. CX Deck Workshop Plan (for up to 15 people)
  4. CX Deck Steps 8&9 Worksheets
  5. Ful CX Deck Hi-Res PDF

Our goal is to keep adding to this toolkit as we create new resources and uncover new...

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Why Emotion Matters in Customer Experience

Chasing customer satisfaction has turned into an expensive, one-dimensional arms race. But there’s another way, an approach to engaging with people that’s more human and more profitable at the same time.  

You likely know the gospel about customer experience: that your organisation needs to be built around it in order to survive, or at least to grow organically. Following the lead of the most valuable company in the history of the world, everyone from retail stores to government departments are investing huge amounts of time, energy, and money in trying to optimise their end-to-end customer journeys. Every touchpoint comes under scrutiny. Vast analytic engines are deployed.   

This is not a bad thing. Customer experience is indeed foundational in a world where price and product are increasingly commoditised. But the investments are sometimes misdirected, for a tragically simple reason:  


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#thecxdeck successfully funded on Kickstarter

We feel incredibly humbled and grateful for all the support from all our backers and the team we worked with to successfully fund and launch The Customer Experience Deck on Kickstarter a couple of months ago (check out the campaign here).

Apart from all the people who backed the campaign – there are a few people we really want to thank for their help to bring The CX Deck to life.

Couch Kumara and Finn O'Connor are simply the easiest and most down to earth videographers going around, Chris Warne from ADNA breathed life and energy into The CX Deck through his audio brand work, Colin Rowsell from Man on Fire helped us articulate and voice our ideas. Bonnie Beattie captured Meritxell Gràcia's beautiful design which helped form the heart of this whole project!

We're not sure this project would have the same impact without all the work from these talented people.

We can't thank them all...

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Finding emotional motivators using jobs-to-be-done customer interviews by Hostile Sheep

The following article was written by Jordan Julien, Founder of Hostile Sheep, User Experience and User Research consultancy in Toronto, Canada.

I got early access to the Customer Experience Deck from Jeremy Dean. After remixing his deck with the Hostile Sheep approach to Jobs-to-be-done, I supported his Kickstarter and got 5 decks.

The big news: I completed two studies using the new approach and it's fantastic.

Those familiar with JTBD know how rational the whole process is. Customers understand rational, logical questions. They're great at telling rational, logical stories. The problem is uncovering emotional needs or desired emotional states. We all know emotion plays a major role in hiring (or firing) products.

The Customer Experience Deck has been instrumental in uncovering these emotional needs and desires. It's been a fantastic tool when conducting customer interviews, so I wanted to share how Hostile Sheep has used it.

I’ve been a huge...

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