Our first Specialist Elephant Rider Partner

Imagine facilitating 25 Emotional Culture Deck client workshops in just over 12 months, helping teams of all sizes in a variety of industries create more healthy and high performing cultures. 

Then imagine also facilitating 10 one on one conversations using The ECD helping leaders recognise and explore the impact emotion has on their leadership and individual performance. 

Then imagine presenting at 3 meetup events in that same year with over 300 people – helping people across the globe understand and explore the role emotion has on change within organisations! 

It's hard to believe one person has achieved all this in just over a year especially while we've navigated a global pandemic.

But Lotty Roberts has delivered all this work in just over 12 months and some powerful results along the way.

Last week she became our first-ever Specialist Elephant Rider! 

It's hard to put into words the impact Lotty's had not only on the organisations she's working with...

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Helping families and kids thrive using The ECD

If you're a family who loves to play games together, here's a 'hack' for The Emotional Culture Deck that we think you'll really enjoy!

We didn’t originally design The ECD to be used with kids and families. But over the past 12 months, we’ve been blown away by how many families have been using the cards.

The stories people have shared of them using The Emotional Culture Deck with their families has helped us to feel very proud and grateful. 

Click here to download the PDF of The ECD Families Activities.

The ECD Family Activities PDF includes a PDF copy of The Emotional Culture Deck so you can print the cards at home and cut them up to use together (if you don't already have physical cards or don't want to invest yet).

At the moment, families around the world are using the deck with their young children and teenagers to discuss how they’re feeling and coping with Covid-19 and the challenges we all face. 

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Emotional Culture Deck Remote Teams Workshop

We're excited to share a complete guide and plan for running Emotional Culture Deck Remote Team Workshops without people needing physical cards!

Click here to download the ECD Remote Team Workshop Plan.

Over the past five months, Emotional Culture Deck adopters around the world have been running remote Emotional Culture Deck workshops with their dispersed teams. 

You can use this PDF and screen share your way through these ECD workshops with remote teams.

Here are the biggest lessons we've learned to date running ECD remote workshops:

#1 Simplify everything 100 per cent more than you think it needs to be. You might notice we’ve removed the card sorting aspect - and just get people to pick their top 5 from the entire stack.

#2 When running these ECD workshops remotely, break them into smaller 60 min (or 90 mins max) sessions. Try to avoid sessions that require more than 90 minutes of continuous screen time.

#3 As the...

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How to effectively follow up ECD Workshops


How to effectively follow up ECD Workshops might be one of the most common questions we get asked.

Recently, one of our Pro Elephant Riders aka Certified Facilitators, Lotty Roberts, shared her experiences and insights on how to best follow up Emotional Culture Deck Workshops.

In the past year, Lotty has run over 20 Emotional Culture Workshops. But it's the work she does post-workshop that caught our attention!

So it's exciting that Lotty has generously shared her tips and tricks on effectively following up workshops and continuing team engagement post workshops – so they become more than a cool one-off 'thing' teams do and then never think about again.

More about Lotty

Lotty is the founder of ‘Mind U’. She's a Change and Leadership Consultant with over 20 years of experience helping organisations work through and deliver change. So it's exciting to be able to learn from someone with experience in both change and The Emotional...

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Shaping emotional customer experience

Customers now have dozens if not hundreds of touchpoints with the key brands in their lives. Shaping better customer experience by mapping and improving those touchpoints has become an obsession. But if journey mapping isn’t driven by empathy and emotion, rather than process, it can be an expensive investment with limited return.  

Satisfaction, effectiveness, and ease are the classic vectors of customer journey mapping. This makes sense - what customer shopping for clothes or trying to get a bank account set up wants more difficulty? - but there’s a problem: companies worldwide are getting much better at the basic elements of customer experience. High call resolution rates and removing obstacles to sale has become the floor, not the ceiling.  

This is especially obvious if you look at China. Key sectors like fintech and retail are deeply evolved and brutally competitive, constantly pushing forward on every front. The mechanics are...

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ECD Te reo Edition Prototype ā€“Ā Free Download

Look what we're working on with the help of the amazing crew at Ocean Design. We're feeling very proud of the first ECD Te Reo Prototype.

Click here to download The ECD Te reo Edition Prototype

There's a long way to go – but big things start with small steps.

We're now looking for more New Zealand-based leaders to help us test Te reo ECD prototype!

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Next ECD Online Masterclass Course ā€“ Starts September 14


Do you want to become the next Elephant Rider aka ECD Practitioner in the world and start your journey to mastering the Emotional Culture Deck?

Our Online Masterclass course is designed to set you up for success using The Emotional Culture Deck with your people and teams. When you complete our Online Masterclass, you'll be joining our global community of active, passionate, supportive and engaged ECD leaders. After completing the course, you’re given immediate access to this valuable network.

The Online Masterclass Course starts on September 14 and is limited to 300 people:

  • Sales open on the 27th of August – 349 USD
  • Sign up before Sept 14th and you’ll get x2 Emotional Culture Decks (RRP 149 USD)
  • Sign up after Sept 14, you’ll only get x1 ECD (RRP 99 USD)

Click here to learn more about the Masterclass.

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Putting the F in Culture ā€“Ā Webinar

A couple of weeks ago Jeremy was invited onto the Fully Human webinar by Kate Billing, Founder & Creative Director, Blacksmith.

In this one hour webinar, we discuss:

  • how The Emotional Culture Deck came into being
  • emotion as the missing link in organisational culture
  • using unpleasant emotions as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth
  • fearing our own emotions and those of others, like a bomb that could go off at any moment
  • the importance of developing a deep and wide emotional vocabulary
  • the cathartic and connecting power of emotionally-centred conversations
  • reciprocity, vulnerability, and emotional courage
  • group affect, emotional contagion, and leadership responsibility
  • the power of using ‘a game’ to facilitate emotionally-centred conversations: vocabulary, transference, the familiarity of using cards, and holding things lightly; and
  • how little nudges and micro-moments create trust and psychological safety.

A 3-minute read and 1-hour...

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Hack the deck ā€“ 7 ways to use The ECD with families

As we went into Covid-19 lockdown here in New Zealand a couple of months ago, we faced the reality of a new way of family life. Leading up until this point in time, we had been hearing so many heart-warming stories about people using The Emotional Culture Deck with their families. These stories have helped us feel very humbled and proud of what this little deck of cards can achieve. And when lockdown hit we wondered how the ECD might help families face the uncertain times ahead.

2. Chloe Consedine_Kids Peter De Boer.jpeg

So we swiftly hatched a plan to send out 100 Emotional Culture Decks to families around the world for free, to give them a chance to play and experiment with the game and hopefully generate a conversation that helps children and parents thrive in their family environment. 

The method is slightly different, but the goal is the same. Use the Emotional Culture Deck to foster as a communication channel between humans, making a tricky conversation just a little bit easier.  

Using the...

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Change Leadership Workshop for KPMG Enterprise


“Change is not a decision of the mind but of the heart”

We recently designed an Emotional Culture Deck change leadership workshop for 60 KPMG Enterprise leaders here in New Zealand.

Eva Perrone, Innovation Manager at KPMG Private Enterprise shares just how well The Emotional Culture Deck was received at a change leadership workshop with 60 KPMG leaders from around New Zealand.

“The workshop not only opened up communication channels but provided connection and created a safe space for deep and meaningful conversations. Following the two hour session, KPMG leaders were eager and ready to take the cards back to use with their own teams and clients (and some already have!).

Eva is looking forward to continuing her journey with ‘riders & elephants’ as the company integrates the deck and associated tools into their everyday work.

The team is now going to focus on how they can all upskill and reap the benefits that come from pouring energy into the...

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