Building Meaningful, Human-Centred Partnerships


Emotional Performance is Peak Performance. Engaging with the people you serve and creating human-centred partnerships is essential for any organisation. Organisations and individuals who effectively harness, shape, and manage their emotion strategies at four levels achieve a significant advantage.

When emotional culture is intentionally managed, it drives satisfaction, motivation, connection, and teamwork. Leaders who grasp the essence of emotional leadership can positively influence emotional support, foster constructive dialogue, and enhance engagement. Organisations that are deliberate in defining their emotional change strategies see improvements in emotional support and well-being throughout periods of change. And those that create an emotional stakeholder strategy develop emotional connections with the people they serve.

Emotional performance is about mastering these four domains and leveraging them to lift performance at individual, team, and organisational levels. It recognises that emotions are both personal and collective, influencing and being influenced by the group. Ultimately, those who reach peak performance harness emotions as a key driver of success at every level.

A surprising example of emotional performance comes from one of our community members, who recently shared an inspiring story about using the ECD Partnerships Handbook:

"I took my business partner through the partnership canvas. It was a really valuable and insightful experience for us both. It’s the first time she has really seen the full potential of The Emotional Culture Deck since she took a leap of faith in me when I told her about it and that it should be the core of our product offering for our new business. She loved it, and the conversation that followed was so insightful and reassuring and has established a new level of respect, understanding, and commitment in our partnership. We’re going to work on the risks next so we can get really clear on what might cause a break in our relationship and how we will respond if this happens. We have not known each other long, but we both felt that instant connection and a sense of having known each other before. This canvas really supported us to dive deep into what’s important to us and gave us a new level of insight into the risks as well as the amazing opportunities for this partnership."

This story highlights how critical emotions are to the performance of partnerships. By intentionally managing emotional culture, partners can achieve deeper respect, understanding, and commitment, leading to more successful and fulfilling collaborations.


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