Transformation is a decision of the heart, not the head

ecd jeremy dean podcast Nov 02, 2022

TRANSFORMATION IS A DECISION OF THE HEART, NOT THE HEAD - such a beautiful and insightful POV from Jeremy Dean, founder of riders&elephants in New Zealand, in this latest episode of "Let Go & Lead" with Gagen MacDonald founder Maril Gagen MacDonald.

As Maril and Jeremy discuss, the conversation around EMOTIONS has been taboo in the workplace - but emotions drive every action and decision we make.

Such a great discussion and a real call-to-arms to more explicitly have long overdue conversations about emotions with your teams. 

Watch the full onversation below.

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The Wellbeing Deck & Doctorsโ€™ Health & Wellbeing with Dr Jo Sinclair

the wellbeing deck Oct 31, 2022

Dr Jo Sinclair is an Anaesthetist with a career-long interest in doctors’ health and wellbeing. Since early 2020 she has been the Senior Medical Officer Wellbeing Lead at Counties Manukau Health, working with the Organisational Development Team, and is now one of two Interim Clinical Leads for Employee Wellbeing with Te Whatu Ora. She works to improve the wellbeing of healthcare workers at an organisational level, and leads several hospital-wide initiatives such as Schwartz Rounds, Stress First Aid and The Well-Being Index.

Jo has undertaken additional training in coaching and mentoring, critical incident stress management, and communication. She recently formed a small business with three medical colleagues, running wellbeing retreats for doctors, called Thriving in Medicine. Life outside of work is no less busy, with two active teens, two retired greyhounds and a long-suffering husband who is also a doctor.

Watch the case study below:

Want to try The Wellbeing Deck for...

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Sole Landscapes & The Emotional Culture Deck

success story Oct 10, 2022

"I never would have expected to have operational procedures based on emotions. That was because we decide to put our people first and what they wanted to do and that came about organically from the process we went through using The Emotional Culture Deck." – Jono Sole, Managing Director Sole Landscapes.

Watch the full F-word Conversation below with Jono Sole and learn about his journey to build a high--performing and human culture built from emotions up.

Last year Sole Landscapes experienced a significant period of growth. They quickly identified they needed something to help them improve and solidify their culture.

"Our goal was to understand more about what we're about and how we can continue to develop our people. After the first day with The ECD it was immediately apparent we made the right decision to begin our journey with The ECD. It was a really rewarding day and was extremely beneficial, and the flow-on effects from what we...

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World Rugby Play The ECD

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2022

World Rugby are on a mission to grow the women’s game worldwide. ECD Qualified Practitioner, Sarah Leberman, recently facilitated a discussion with World Rugby at the High-Performance Directors Workshop about systems, equity, privilege and how we need to feel to be successful. R&E also helped Sarah and the World rugby team by supplying ECD Spanish Edition decks for some Spanish-speaking participants.  

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My inability to accept and embrace the need to slow down.

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

Originally posted by our founder on LinkedIn here

Five weeks ago we welcomed our second baby into our lives. Mollie came into this world via emergency c-section and joined her sister Isabella who is 14 months old. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. But I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to experience over the next five weeks.

I’ve never felt more overwhelmed, uncertain, controlled, or pressured in my working life. While my wife focused on recovering and caring for little Mollie, I had to adjust to my new reality. Giving up my old routine and rhythm of working life and instead caring for Isabella and Becky.

I struggled with this shift more than I could have imagined.

I pride myself on being prepared. But I wasn’t prepared for this.

I realised I’ve attached my identity and way of being to my work, and maybe more scarily, to the amount of work I do. Suddenly my mornings and evenings were occupied by something other than my work.

This made me feel...

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Register for ECD Workshops in Wellington, Melbourne, London

ecd Sep 23, 2022

The ultimate leadership toolkit.

Join one of three ECD Have a Play Leadership Workshops coming up in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom:

  • Melbourne, November 2nd – Click here to register (Only 9 spots left)
  • London, November 3rd – Click here to register.
  • Wellington, November 21st – Click here to register.

What is The ECD Have a Play Leadership Workshop?

In this interactive and hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to use the Emotional Culture Deck in four key areas we believe are essential to human leadership: Effective Team Check-ins, Human-centred Leadership, Leading Change, and Impactful Stakeholder Relationships.

You’ll be posed a bunch of 'beautiful questions' to explore these areas and use the ECD as a tool to navigate these questions. It’s a ‘sandpit environment’ where you come along, get your hands on the deck and experiment and learn together. 

Presented by ECD Certified Consultants

ECD Have a Play...

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R&E Bright Spots July & August 2022

bright spots ecd Aug 25, 2022

Thanks to everyone within our wider ECD community that continues to show courage, bravery and determination to flip the workplace culture conversations and humanise the places we all work.

This is only a snapshot of all the inspiring moments we've seen this month of people using the #emotionalculturedeck to help the people they serve find the words and express themselves.

Thank you all!

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Emotional Culture at Mana College, Wellington, New Zealand

ecd ecd education Aug 22, 2022

This article is reposted from Te Mahau – click here to read the original.

When Greg Sharland took the reins as acting principal, he set out to explore the question: What are the key requirements for being responsive to the needs of students and staff at that particular period of time? His thoughts were: ‘if I can get staff into a really good place and get them functioning well, everything is going to flow from that’.  Rather than just focusing on the desired staff behaviours, Greg and the Senior Leadership Team decided to concentrate on supporting the emotions that drive good behaviours.  “If you get the emotions right and you get the emotional culture right, then the behaviour will flow from that,” says Greg.

The team examined the work of Jeremy Dean who promotes emotional leadership that has an awareness of the importance of emotions and the need to understand people and where they are emotionally. They applied Jeremy Dean’s...

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