We've teamed up with Emma-Kate Woodham, from The Brain Garden Trust to design a prototype ECD canvas.
The ECD Family Canvas helps guardians and children come together as a family and express what they need to be at their best.
Click here to download the prototype canvas and have a play.
Yesterday we received this email...
We didn’t design The ECD for families or kids. But we feel grateful and proud that so many people share stories like this with us about their experiences using the game with their kids.
This story of how Lotty's kids use The ECD (and their own custom-designed ECD cards) is truly remarkable.
Lotty is one of our Specialist Elephant Riders and has used The ECD with her kids recently with profound impact.
Her kids also had fun designing new ECD cards and suggesting a few additional feelings cards!
If you want more inspiration on how to use The ECD with kids and families click here now.
If you're a family who loves to play games together, here's a 'hack' for The Emotional Culture Deck that we think you'll really enjoy!
We didn’t originally design The ECD to be used with kids and families. But over the past 12 months, we’ve been blown away by how many families have been using the cards.
The stories people have shared of them using The Emotional Culture Deck with their families has helped us to feel very proud and grateful.
Click here to download the PDF of The ECD Families Activities.
The ECD Family Activities PDF includes a PDF copy of The Emotional Culture Deck so you can print the cards at home and cut them up to use together (if you don't already have physical cards or don't want to invest yet).
At the moment, families around the world are using the deck with their young children and teenagers to discuss how they’re feeling and coping with Covid-19 and the challenges we all face.
As we went into Covid-19 lockdown here in New Zealand a couple of months ago, we faced the reality of a new way of family life. Leading up until this point in time, we had been hearing so many heart-warming stories about people using The Emotional Culture Deck with their families. These stories have helped us feel very humbled and proud of what this little deck of cards can achieve. And when lockdown hit we wondered how the ECD might help families face the uncertain times ahead.
So we swiftly hatched a plan to send out 100 Emotional Culture Decks to families around the world for free, to give them a chance to play and experiment with the game and hopefully generate a conversation that helps children and parents thrive in their family environment.
The method is slightly different, but the goal is the same. Use the Emotional Culture Deck to foster as a communication channel between humans, making a tricky conversation just a little bit easier.
Using the...
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