R&E Bright Spots July & August 2022

bright spots ecd Aug 25, 2022

Thanks to everyone within our wider ECD community that continues to show courage, bravery and determination to flip the workplace culture conversations and humanise the places we all work.

This is only a snapshot of all the inspiring moments we've seen this month of people using the #emotionalculturedeck to help the people they serve find the words and express themselves.

Thank you all!

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ECD Bright Spots Breakfast

bright spots Jul 28, 2022

Once a month our team get together for breakfast and share the most inspiring and impactful stories from within our ECD community.

This ritual helps us look at the big picture. Get out of the weeds. It gives us perspective and grounds us. Here are some of the latest Bright Spots from around our ECD Community.

We feel extremely humbled, grateful and inspired that people are so generous in sharing their ECD stories with us.

The impact of The #emotionalculturedeck continues to blow my mind. It is so much more than a deck of cards. The stories we hear and see fill me with hope and optimism that we are doing good work. That we are on the right track. Helping people in ways I never imagined. #ridersandelephants


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Sir John Kirwan Foundation ECD Success Story

bright spots ecd Jun 21, 2022

Learn from Tim Corbett, CEO Sir John Kirwan Foundation about how he's used The ECD (and Customer Experience Deck and Wellbeing Decks) as part of their journey to uncover what makes their organisation and people thrive, from the ‘inside, out’ and then used that to shape the wairua and ‘glue’ of their team.

"Yesterday [I] caught up with our Lead Coach who has taken the feedback and insights generated during the ECD work and implemented it in how she communicates and connects with her team. She’s noticing a huge difference for her and the coaches – that’s awesome."

Here's what else Tim had to say about using The Emotional Culture Deck:

"The decks from R&E are gems. We used them to uncover what makes us thrive, from the ‘inside, out’ and then used that to shape the wairua and ‘glue’ of our team. The ECD was a great process to peel back the layers and then rebuild what works for us, adding on the Wellness Deck then...

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F-Word Conversation featuring James Roberts, Chief Digital Officer, Wellington City Council


Check out the highlights of our first ever #ecd F-Word Conversation featuring James Roberts, Chief Digital Officer, at Wellington City Council.

In these F-Word Conversations with Lotty Roberts, we will explore the topic of emotions at work, the role they play in culture and how we can help people express themselves fully at work.

Our first episode is with James Roberts. This was an amazing conversation where we learned about how he's used The ECD to set the culture of a new team as they've navigated the delivery of a digital transformation programme. 

"It's incredibly effective and powerful in the change it can influence and it's so easy to use and so accessible and because of that kind of a little bit of gamification around the card deck"

Watch the full F-Word Conversation conversation with James and learn more about the role of emotions and work and helping people express themselves – Click here > 

This is some of what else...

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Fr@nk Innovation & Transformation uses The ECD to create positive work environments.

Erika Barden is a trusted Agile advisor to Executive and Senior Leadership teams across New Zealand. As Head of Transformation for Fr@nk Innovation & Transformation, Erika works across multiple sectors and loves how the ECD enables safe, powerful conversations which are relevant to everyone in every industry.

In a nutshell, Erika is passionate about people and positive work environments, and is really looking forward to being able to facilitate some face-to-face ECD workshops soon!

A (non-creepy) follower of Jeremy and his work for a number of years, Erika became an Elephant Rider during the Covid lockdown last October.

She has since facilitated a dozen Emotional Culture Deck workshops which have all been remote – other than the session she ran with her kids around their kitchen table.

Watch the video below to learn about how Erika uses The ECD to help create positive work environments.

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Australian Not for Profit Childcare Provider & The ECD

With over 650 centres, Goodstart Early Learning is the largest not-for-profit childcare provider in Australia. Its purpose is to ensure children have the learning, development and wellbeing outcomes they need for school and life.

Claire (National Lead for Coaching) and Anna (People & Performance Learning Partner) are supporting Goodstart to fulfil its purpose by focusing on how Goodstarters feel at work.

Watch the video below of how Claire and Anna have worked with various centre teams, centre support teams, and the Goodstart Leadership Team to craft the emotional culture required to truly best serve the children in our centres and each other.

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RESETTING BOUNDARIES: Cricket Wellington's Whole of Cricket Transformation


How Cricket Wellington is applying the Emotional Culture Deck to its whole of cricket approach

The Deck is disarming, says Jeremy, and that’s why it is so effective. It’s a fun, easy, non-threatening way to share personal stuff, especially at times of change. And that certainly proved to be the case as the Emotional Culture Deck was introduced to individuals in core teams at Cricket Wellington, then whole teams, ground staff and more.

Walk through the Basin Reserve buildings and it’s clear that this is a game that deeply values its traditions. They’ve been playing cricket here for more than 150 years …

So the arrival of Cam as CEO was something of an oddball: a professional administrator, with a background in football, brought in by the Board to right a ship that was struggling.

It didn’t take Cam long to work out that the trouble ran deeper than just the balance sheet. People were busy but the work didn’t align back...

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