The next step to Mastery: Stories from Our Newest ECD Certified Consultants

Congratulations to our eight newest ECD Certified Consultants! Celine Sugay-Costales, Andrea Hancox, Roz Duffy, Danny Kwan, Danielle Swain, Vanessa Murphy, Jenni Sandford-Nedoszytko and Mattison Grey.

Each of you has demonstrated tremendous dedication, resilience, and passion over these past nine months, finally achieving the coveted Pro Elephant Rider Badge. We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you to this elite group of professionals.

Our ECD Certified Course is an intense, immersive, and transformative journey. It demands commitment and calls upon the courage to venture into new areas of knowledge and personal growth. These eight individuals have now equipped themselves with valuable skills and a profound understanding of The ECD, ready to help create more emotionally aware cultures, teams and leaders.

Reflecting on their journey, these are some inspiring words shared by our newest Pro Elephant Riders:

  • "Nine months of hard work. There were ups and...

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Three things I have learnt about how we Anna Clayton

ecd proelephantrider Aug 15, 2022

Article originally posted on Linkedin here

I recently worked with leaders to help them define the emotional culture they wanted for themselves and for their teams. Although each conversation was different, with its own complexities and its own challenges, I was surprised to discover some core similarities...

1. Our thoughts precede our emotions.

Emotions do not just appear on their own accord. Nor does another person 'make' us feel a certain way. Situations and environments also do not indicate what we should be feeling. So, what makes us feel a certain way? Our thoughts. Yep, that pesky little internal voice we often hear shouting thoughts, assumptions, judgements, and 'facts'. The problem is that we trust this voice and treat these thoughts as hard truths.

So, when we see a colleague peering over our shoulder to read an email we think 'she is nosey!' or 'she doesn't think I can do my job!' which leads us to feel intolerant or guarded. We think this feeling is justified... but,...

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Denise Hartley-Wilkins becomes an ECD Certified Consultant

proelephantrider Jun 10, 2022

A huge congratulations to Denise Hartley-Wilkins CFHRNZ, ICF ACC, MCIPD for completing the ECD Pro Elephant Rider Programme and officially becoming our latest ECD Certified Consultant!

It was such a pleasure to work with Denise over the last four months. he's an absolute inspiration to us all.

Denise designed two brand new ways to use The ECD! She's designed an ECD Exploring Change Workshop to help teams navigate change. Plus she designed a way to approach relationship conflict using The ECD which helps brings two people in conflict together to learn from each other and map a way forwards.

We're blown away by Deinsie creativity and courage to tackle discomfort and the unknown with our game.

We asked Denise what would you say to someone who was considering applying to become a Pro Elephant Rider. She said...

"Do it. Talk to a Pro Elephant Rider to understand what is involved. Be clear around your 'why' of why you want to do the programme. This is not a tick box exercise. There is...

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Australian Not for Profit Childcare Provider & The ECD

With over 650 centres, Goodstart Early Learning is the largest not-for-profit childcare provider in Australia. Its purpose is to ensure children have the learning, development and wellbeing outcomes they need for school and life.

Claire (National Lead for Coaching) and Anna (People & Performance Learning Partner) are supporting Goodstart to fulfil its purpose by focusing on how Goodstarters feel at work.

Watch the video below of how Claire and Anna have worked with various centre teams, centre support teams, and the Goodstart Leadership Team to craft the emotional culture required to truly best serve the children in our centres and each other.

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Emotional Culture Deck, how do I love thee...

This article is reposted from Tubi Oyson LinkedIn post herePublished on August 14, 2021

Tubi Oyston – Wellbeing specialist | Coach | Consultant | Facilitator |

It’s been about 17 months since I first connected with the Emotional Culture Deck (aka ECD, the Deck or my Beloveds), Jeremy Dean the creator, and the ever-growing Elephant and Rider community. I remember every moment - my first glimpse of the web profile, the painstaking printing, laminating and cutting out of my first deck, and my planned campaign to convince Jeremy to let me do the training even though I wasn’t an Agile coach (lucky for Jeremy it wasn’t necessary!). At 17 months and counting, I am still officially in the honeymoon period of a pure and innocent love affair – one I hope lasts a long time.

I have used the ECD concept and cards in so many ways outside of their original purpose – which tells me the quality of their design is second to none. Their...

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How to effectively follow up ECD Workshops


How to effectively follow up ECD Workshops might be one of the most common questions we get asked.

Recently, one of our Pro Elephant Riders aka Certified Facilitators, Lotty Roberts, shared her experiences and insights on how to best follow up Emotional Culture Deck Workshops.

In the past year, Lotty has run over 20 Emotional Culture Workshops. But it's the work she does post-workshop that caught our attention!

So it's exciting that Lotty has generously shared her tips and tricks on effectively following up workshops and continuing team engagement post workshops – so they become more than a cool one-off 'thing' teams do and then never think about again.

More about Lotty

Lotty is the founder of ‘Mind U’. She's a Change and Leadership Consultant with over 20 years of experience helping organisations work through and deliver change. So it's exciting to be able to learn from someone with experience in both change and The Emotional...

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The ROI of Emotional Culture Conversations

Steve Hargreaves has just completed the Emotional Culture Deck Certified Facilitator Training.

He's now officially a Pro Elephant Rider.

Over the past 12 months, Steve has run an astonishing 27 Emotional Culture Deck workshops.

He chats to us about how he approaches the conversation with potential cynics inside your organisation who want to know the ROI of investing in this conversation.

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An interview with St John UK Head of Learning & Development


Recently we chatted with Steven Hargreaves – Head of Learning & Development, St John UK and chatted about his experiences talking with people who are cynical about emotions at work and using The Emotional Culture Deck.

Steve attended The London Emotional Culture Deck Masterclass in June 2019. Since then, he's now facilitated over 27 workshops using The ECD and each time he's used it in a slightly different way.

Steve has also just graduated as our very first Pro Elephant Rider in the United Kingdom.

Hope you enjoy our conversation and the things we cover including:

  •  How The Emotional Culture Deck nudges psychological safety

  • Getting into the granular conversations about emotional motivations, drivers and blockers

  • Using The ECD as part of broader organisational workshops

  • What to do if you only have an hour – "we can still do some cool stuff with The ECD in an hour" 

  • Splitting ECD workshops into three sessions

  • How to capture ECD...

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