Denise Hartley-Wilkins becomes an ECD Certified Consultant

A huge congratulations to Denise Hartley-Wilkins CFHRNZ, ICF ACC, MCIPD for completing the ECD Pro Elephant Rider Programme and officially becoming our latest ECD Certified Consultant!

It was such a pleasure to work with Denise over the last four months. he's an absolute inspiration to us all.

Denise designed two brand new ways to use The ECD! She's designed an ECD Exploring Change Workshop to help teams navigate change. Plus she designed a way to approach relationship conflict using The ECD which helps brings two people in conflict together to learn from each other and map a way forwards.

We're blown away by Deinsie creativity and courage to tackle discomfort and the unknown with our game.

We asked Denise what would you say to someone who was considering applying to become a Pro Elephant Rider. She said...

"Do it. Talk to a Pro Elephant Rider to understand what is involved. Be clear around your 'why' of why you want to do the programme. This is not a tick box exercise. There is time involved, it is doable with planning. Be prepared to extend yourself and get comfortable with getting uncomfortable through the learning (isn't that what learning is all about?) . Be prepared to learn from others. Be open to creating your own signature style in how you use the ECD. Have fun, play, and share with others, knowing you create a small ripple of change in the world."

Welcome to our Pro Elephant Rider Tribe Denise



50% Complete

Two Step

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