This week marks a momentous occasion as we honour the incredible Jim Dryburgh, who has officially unlocked his Specialist Elephant Rider Badge. Joining a select group of remarkable individuals, Jim has surpassed an impressive milestone, facilitating over 25 Emotional Culture Deck Workshops.
Jim, your contribution to our ECD Universe has been immense. Your journey has been nothing short of awe-inspiring, and it fills our hearts with joy and pride to witness your remarkable growth. The impact you've made reaches far and wide, touching countless individuals and teams and reminding us all of the power of meaningful human connection at work.
You continue to prove that people of all backgrounds and experiences want to express themselves at work (and school). They just don't have the tools and the labels to express themselves meaningfully. And after everything you've achieved, it strangely feels like you've just found your groove. But...
By Lotty Roberts & Steve Hargreaves
Before considering how to manage expectations, it's essential to clarify why you should emphasise expectation management upfront:
As a facilitator or consultant who may use the ECD as part of your practice, there are key benefits for paying attention to and being transparent with the client on expectations – these are:
Congratulations to Mat Kearney who has officially reached Specialist Elephant Rider Status.
Mat just joined a tiny and elite bunch of people in the world at our second most experienced Emotional Culture Deck Facilitator level alongside @lottyroberts and @stevehargreaves.
I'm incredibly proud and humbled by this achievement because Mat attended the very first every Emotional Culture Deck Masterclasses back in 2018. Since then he's gone on to use The ECD to have a real impact on numerous leaders, community groups he's part of and organisations around New Zealand.
On his journey to becoming our latest Specialist Elephant Rider, he's run over 25 Emotional Culture Deck workshops and numerous 1:2:1 ECD sessions and various Meetups. He's also been on a mission to help fellow leaders learn how to use The Emotional Culture to create more human and empathetic workplace cultures.
We asked Mat what it means to him to become a Specialist Elephant Rider:
We're thrilled to announce Steve Hargreaves just become our second Emotional Culture Deck Specialist Elephant Rider (this is our second highest ECD Certified Facilitator level – only Master Elephant Rider to go Steve!)
Last July in London Steven Hargreaves completed our Emotional Culture Deck Masterclass Course.
Now just over 18 months later, Steve has become one of the most experienced #emotionalculturedeck facilitators in the world.
Since that London Masterclass 18 months ago, he's gone onto facilitate over 40 workshops and dozens of 1:2:1 ECD conversations.
The impact Steve has had on the people he's worked with using The ECD blows me away.
It's been an honour working with Steve over the past 18 months. We've learned so much from him and his approach to compassionate leadership. Congrats Steve! You are truly a world-class facilitator and coach.
It's exciting to see Steve put himself out further into the world with the start...
Imagine facilitating 25 Emotional Culture Deck client workshops in just over 12 months, helping teams of all sizes in a variety of industries create more healthy and high performing cultures.
Then imagine also facilitating 10 one on one conversations using The ECD helping leaders recognise and explore the impact emotion has on their leadership and individual performance.
Then imagine presenting at 3 meetup events in that same year with over 300 people – helping people across the globe understand and explore the role emotion has on change within organisations!
It's hard to believe one person has achieved all this in just over a year especially while we've navigated a global pandemic.
But Lotty Roberts has delivered all this work in just over 12 months and some powerful results along the way.
Last week she became our first-ever Specialist Elephant Rider!
It's hard to put into words the impact Lotty's had not only on the organisations she's working with...
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