Our newest Specialist Elephant Rider – Mat Kearney

Congratulations to Mat Kearney who has officially reached Specialist Elephant Rider Status.

Mat just joined a tiny and elite bunch of people in the world at our second most experienced Emotional Culture Deck Facilitator level alongside @lottyroberts and @stevehargreaves.

I'm incredibly proud and humbled by this achievement because Mat attended the very first every Emotional Culture Deck Masterclasses back in 2018. Since then he's gone on to use The ECD to have a real impact on numerous leaders, community groups he's part of and organisations around New Zealand.

On his journey to becoming our latest Specialist Elephant Rider, he's run over 25 Emotional Culture Deck workshops and numerous 1:2:1 ECD sessions and various Meetups. He's also been on a mission to help fellow leaders learn how to use The Emotional Culture to create more human and empathetic workplace cultures.

We asked Mat what it means to him to become a Specialist Elephant Rider:

"It is an honour to have worked enough with the Emotional Culture Deck to now be considered a Specialist Elephant Rider. I have been using the deck with clients and individuals for a couple of years and I still love the simplicity and adaptability of the game to open up powerful conversations. I have loved seeing the game be used to bring freedom and relief to individuals, bring clarity and unity to teams and support the desired direction of companies. I look forward to hearing the positive testimonies in the future as we realise the importance of understanding the impact our emotions have on all aspects of life."

I feel incredibly grateful for what Mat has added to our Emotional Culture Deck community. Without perhaps knowing, through his contribution to The ECD, Mat has given me more and more confidence to continue on my path teaching more people about the power of emotions at work (and home) and how The ECD can instigate change both organisation and personal levels.

So thank you and congratulations Mat for everything you've achieved over the past couple of years.

Next step Master Elephant Rider!

Your friend,



50% Complete

Two Step

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