When a new team comes together in healthcare, it's a bit like ducks landing on a pond – all at once, a bit messy, and everyone trying to find their space. That's precisely what happened with a small group of healthcare professionals who, despite being newly formed, needed to quickly gel and work effectively together. This blog post shares their experience using The Emotional Culture Deck to build connections, share stories, and develop a deeper understanding of each other.
Discovering the Power of ConnectionDuring their workshop, connection emerged as a vital theme. Every team member ranked it in their top five values, underscoring its importance in their day-to-day interactions and overall team cohesion. But what stood out wasn't just acknowledging connection as a key value; it was the process of exploring what it truly meant to each person. Team members explored how they experience connection, why it matters in their roles, and what can happen when it's missing....
Imagine facilitating 25 Emotional Culture Deck client workshops in just over 12 months, helping teams of all sizes in a variety of industries create more healthy and high performing cultures.
Then imagine also facilitating 10 one on one conversations using The ECD helping leaders recognise and explore the impact emotion has on their leadership and individual performance.
Then imagine presenting at 3 meetup events in that same year with over 300 people – helping people across the globe understand and explore the role emotion has on change within organisations!
It's hard to believe one person has achieved all this in just over a year especially while we've navigated a global pandemic.
But Lotty Roberts has delivered all this work in just over 12 months and some powerful results along the way.
Last week she became our first-ever Specialist Elephant Rider!
It's hard to put into words the impact Lotty's had not only on the organisations she's working with...
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