ECD Te reo Edition Prototype โ€“ย Free Download

Look what we're working on with the help of the amazing crew at Ocean Design. We're feeling very proud of the first ECD Te Reo Prototype.

Click here to download The ECD Te reo Edition Prototype

There's a long way to go – but big things start with small steps.

We're now looking for more New Zealand-based leaders to help us test Te reo ECD prototype!

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Post Covid-19 Growth

prototype tools Apr 04, 2020

How will you bounce back when we come out of lockdown?

How might you adapt and grow when we’re finally able to emerge from Covid-19? Try this conversation with your teams. Start in the top left. Then move to the top right. Then bottom left. And finish with the bottom right.

Click here to download the free worksheet below with instructions on how to facilitate this conversation with your teams.



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How do we create more meaning in our work?

prototype tools Dec 10, 2019

When we nudge our people to think about how their work helps others, we help them find greater meaning in their work. And to help our people find greater meaning in their work, we need to nudge them to think about how their work helps others. 

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