Increasing Popularity of The ECD in Education


The Emotional Culture Deck has been gaining traction in the education sector, with more and more people, teachers, schools and universities using it for various purposes within education. It's exciting to see its potential being recognised and tapped into by educators and students alike.

Here's what we've learned so far about using The ECD in education and the game's potential for transforming education.

Changing the Core Question

One of the most liberating things about the game is that it has two core questions: "What do we want our people to feel?" and "What do I want to feel?" However, for educators, the core question becomes "How do you want your students to feel?" This changes the entire dynamic of the game and makes it relevant to education.

Using the Game to Improve School Culture

When using the game in schools, the core question can be changed to "How do we want the emotional culture of our school to be?" or "How do we want the environment of our school to feel?" This can be an excellent tool for improving school culture and making it a more positive and inclusive space.

Using the Game with Students

Using the game with students is an effective way to encourage them to express their emotions and feelings. By changing the core question to "How do you want to feel at school?" or "How do you not want to feel at school?" students can articulate their emotions in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Using the Game with Families

Families can also use the game to encourage children to express their emotions. Instead of asking, "How did your day go at school?" parents can ask, "How did you feel at school today?" and have their children pick the cards that describe their emotions. This changes the conversation and encourages children to express themselves differently.

The ECD is not just a game for workplace culture; it's a tool that can transform education by encouraging people to express their emotions and feelings. It can be used in different ways and with different groups, making it a versatile tool for educators. Changing the core question can improve school culture, help students express their emotions, and even encourage families to have more meaningful conversations.

Want to learn more or try the ECD for free and have a play?

Download The ECD PDF and play with the game – Click here
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