The Wellbeing Deck & Doctors’ Health & Wellbeing with Dr Jo Sinclair

Dr Jo Sinclair is an Anaesthetist with a career-long interest in doctors’ health and wellbeing. Since early 2020 she has been the Senior Medical Officer Wellbeing Lead at Counties Manukau Health, working with the Organisational Development Team, and is now one of two Interim Clinical Leads for Employee Wellbeing with Te Whatu Ora. She works to improve the wellbeing of healthcare workers at an organisational level, and leads several hospital-wide initiatives such as Schwartz Rounds, Stress First Aid and The Well-Being Index.

Jo has undertaken additional training in coaching and mentoring, critical incident stress management, and communication. She recently formed a small business with three medical colleagues, running wellbeing retreats for doctors, called Thriving in Medicine. Life outside of work is no less busy, with two active teens, two retired greyhounds and a long-suffering husband who is also a doctor.

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