Fr@nk Innovation & Transformation uses The ECD to create positive work environments.

Erika Barden is a trusted Agile advisor to Executive and Senior Leadership teams across New Zealand. As Head of Transformation for Fr@nk Innovation & Transformation, Erika works across multiple sectors and loves how the ECD enables safe, powerful conversations which are relevant to everyone in every industry.

In a nutshell, Erika is passionate about people and positive work environments, and is really looking forward to being able to facilitate some face-to-face ECD workshops soon!

A (non-creepy) follower of Jeremy and his work for a number of years, Erika became an Elephant Rider during the Covid lockdown last October.

She has since facilitated a dozen Emotional Culture Deck workshops which have all been remote – other than the session she ran with her kids around their kitchen table.

Watch the video below to learn about how Erika uses The ECD to help create positive work environments.


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