Are your people ready for change?

Six questions you need to ask yourself to find out if your people are ready for change:

  • Do your people believe that change is needed?

  • Do your people believe that change is appropriate?

  • Do your people believe there will be positive consequences for them through this change?

  • Do your people believe they can change?

  • Do your people believe that their leaders and managers are able to support them through this change?

  • Do your people feel interested, curious or joy when they think about this change?

If you can answer yes to every question, you're ready for a change. If you answer NO to any questions, design a way to turn that answer from a NO to a YES.

As a leader, you're in the business of people and change. You need to focus on both beliefs and emotions – you must cultivate positive emotions within your people. It’s not enough to just tell people why change is needed.

The questions above are based on the work of Professor Alannah Rafferty of the Griffith Business School, Australia.


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