The Wellbeing Deck (prototype)

A card game about being ourselves - human, productive, and connected - however we are.

It’s hard to talk about emotions sometimes. Especially at work. What if we made the conversation easier and more empathetic?

The Wellbeing Deck is a tool for building simple, usable strategies that help you:

  • Understand your unique wellbeing patterns

  • Feel equipped to shift out of hard feelings as well as maintaining good wellbeing

  • Create pathways to receive and ask for support.

The Wellbeing Deck is designed with Tamara Buckland in partnership with riders&elephants, and now in the prototype testing stage and will be released in 2021.

We’ve partnered with Tamara Buckland to design The Wellbeing Deck

Tamara is the co-designer of The Wellbeing Deck. She’s strongly committed to helping wellbeing and mental health shift from ‘them’ to ‘us’ discussions in the workplace.  

Tamara has worked with NZ startups and technology companies including Weta Digital, SilverStripe, and Sharesies, where she is part of the leadership team as their Head of People Experience.

She applies an empathetic, authentic, creative and growth mindset lens over the work she leads, in order to promote a radically inclusive and supportive work environment.ā€ÆTamara is never shy to belt out a tune as she is also a trained opera singer. 

Tamara Buckland Profiel.jpg

Learn more about Tamara here:

Help us test The Wellbeing Deck

We’re looking for people and organisations around the world to help us test the next version of The Wellbeing Deck.

If you’re interested in testing our latest prototype then please email [email protected]

When the next version is available and ready to test we’ll ship you a prototype deck for you to test for us,

All we ask for in return is for you to share your feedback on the latest prototype with us so we can iterate and improve the next version.

The evolution of The Wellbeing Deck. We’re currently testing V4.


50% Complete

Two Step

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