The F-Word Magazine - 2023 Edition | Elephant Rider Community Year in Review

At the start of 2023, we set out to make everything we do 5% better. We wanted to slow the pace down a bit in the R&E Lab and hurry a bit more slowly. But as I sit here at the end of 2023 and look back on the year, I chuckle to myself. Wow, what a year it's been.

As I read the pages in this magazine below, I feel immensely proud, joyful, grateful, humble, and a little overwhelmed. This beautiful magazine showcases how much our Community and the people within it have grown. There was more ECD activity than we've seen before – thanks to the inspiring, generous, and thoughtful contributions of hundreds of Elephant Riders in our new Community Platform.

This year, our Elephant Rider Community grew to over 1200 people across 43 countries. We ran two ECD Online Masterclasses and welcomed 200 new Elephant Riders into our Community. Ten inspiring humans unlocked their Pro Elephant Rider Badges and became ECD Certified Consultants. Five Elephant Riders moved onto Specialist Elephant Rider Status. Plus,   and   climbed to the pinnacle of our new ECD Certification Pathway and became Master Elephant Riders. We ran 80-odd live community and learning events in 2023. Which wouldn't be possible without our inspiring Elephant Rider Mentors. Thank you for guiding our Community this year. Plus a heartfelt thank you to   whose time as an Elephant Rider Mentor comes to an end. Your contribution to our community over the past 18 months has been immense. Our community is better because of your presence and contribution. I know this is not goodbye though – it's just the beginning of your next chapter in our Community.

Finally, none of this would be possible without  . She’s simply remarkable. How she balances her tireless work as a mother of three under three, alongside her professional life as a Government contractor, and within our Community and R&E business, is beyond comprehension. Our F-Word Magazine is her invention. She designs and edits this entire, awe-inspiring publication. She’s the most important and beautiful person in my life. None of what we achieve would be possible without her unwavering love and support. Her contribution is simply remarkable. Thank you, my love.

Finally, each year, I say that it feels like we've only just begun. You all inspire me to get better every day. To relentlessly improve. To constantly ask myself what else I can do to increase our collective impact on the people we all serve.

The ECD continues to move beyond the deck of cards it started out as. The deck is a universe of self-expression, personal growth, and collective impact. Individually, collectively, and professionally, with The ECD in our hands, and as a community, our impact exceeds what anyone believes is possible.

Thank you all for continuing on this journey with me and our mission to rehumanise the places we work and live.

Happy holidays and see you all in 2024.
Your friend,
– Jeremy


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