R&E Monthly 1:2:1 Newsletter
Welcome to another edition of our monthly 1:2:1 broadcast by Jeremy Dean founder of R&E. Your ultimate monthly guide to more human & successful workplaces.
This broadcast goes out to you and over 18,000 other leaders like you around the world who are interested in simple ways to humanise the workplace.
In your February 1:2:1:
- 1 ECD Prototype: Emotional Culture Crafting Workshop (and latest research)
- 2 pieces of content to inspire – My favourite behaviour change leaders
- 1 tool worth testing: CARE model to supercharge your team's wellbeing.
R&E News

Online Masterclass Starts Tomorrow
Our March ECD Online Masterclass starts tomorrow. We only open the Masterclass twice per year. Don't miss out.

Master Elephant Rider
Lotty Roberts achieved her goal of becoming the world's first Master Elephant Rider last week after completing a two & half year journey with The Emotional Culture Deck.

ECDTV: Emotional Leadership
Hear from some of our ECD Practitioners aka Elephant Riders about what happens when you ignore or suppress emotions in your workplace or teams.
1 ECD Prototype
Emotional Culture Crafting Research & Workshop
Click here to see the latest and most powerful research on Emotional Culture.
It's more scientific proof of the impact of our Emotional Culture Deck work. I think this is the most powerful validation of the work we do with the ECD.
It's the 'evidence' that so many senior leaders ask for from us on the game.
This research by Elizabeth Wolf, Jacob Levitt & Sigal Barsade from the University of Pennsylvania looks at 'emotional culture crafting' - this is similar to what we call Emotional Culture Mapping.
Inspired by their latest research method, we designed an ECD workshop for a team to craft their emotional culture.
This is only a high-level plan for the workshop. It includes the four questions to ask in each part of the workshop, but not how to run it. That's part of what you learn on The ECD Online Masterclass Course.

2 Pieces of Content To Inspire
Here are two talks from the two of the people that most changed the way I think about behaviour change. Hope you enjoy.

2. How to change your behaviour for the better. Dan Ariely
"Don't change people, change environment."
1 Tool Worth Testing
Supercharge the wellbeing and performance of yourself and your team! – by Leaders Lab
"When leaders often, express care for their people they are far more likely to supercharge performance, wellbeing, psychosocial safety of their teams." Click here to check out their leading to thrive survey here. Plus download the CARE model below.

Something I've been pondering...
Instead of telling people how they can do their job better. Ask them how you can help support them to do their job better. Then listen.
Upcoming Events

Wellbeing Deck Meetup – March 2, 2022
Meetups are 90-minute virtual events where we get to meet each other and learn from each other. So you're always meeting new people who adopt and use The Wellbeing Deck.
Our team will invite two leaders to along as guest presenters. One leader who uses the Wellbeing Deck as part of their practice and work will share their bright spot stories and insights from using the game. The second guest presenter will be an expert or specialist in wellbeing and share their wellbeing story, insights and lessons with us all.
Bring your cards along! We will always play with The Wellbeing Deck in each Meetup!

ECD Unconference, March 23, 2022
Beyond the Deck ECD Unconference is our new annual gathering for Elephant Riders.
It's a conference with no formal set agenda, where every attendee is a worthy keynote speaker on their own. All topics of conversation are on the table: from what is emotional culture, vulnerability, leadership, and so much more.

Elephant Rider Meetup – April 26
Elephant Rider Meetups are 90-minute virtual events where we get to meet each other and learn from each other. So you're always meeting new Elephant Riders.
Our team invites two leaders (usually Elephant Riders) to share their Emotional Culture Deck bright spots. These leaders each have an inspiring story to tell about how they have used the deck with different groups of people of different sizes.
Introducing ECDTV. New ways. New ideas. New answers. New perspectives.
Here's this month's episodes...
We hear you.
At riders&elephants we believe in people’s right to express themselves and to tap their emotions to challenge and shift behaviours. Our games help people speak their truth through simple, powerful words. It’s time to lay your cards on the table.
Join our Elephant Rider Community here >